All Greer Amps pedals carry a 5 year warranty against workmanship to the original owner, so long as no modifications have been made, and the internal wiring/circuit has not been altered in any way. This warranty is not transferable in any way. What does this mean for you, if you purchase one of our pedals? It means that if you have an issue with one of our pedals, we will fix it, most of the time at no cost to the original owner during the warranty period. The owner must provide a copy of the original receipt and is responsible for covering shipping to Greer Amps. We take care of everything from there. If there are any issues with parts that have failed or if the pedal has been used incorrectly, or abused, we charge only for the parts that need to be replaced. For instance: If your switch fails, we charge you for the cost of the switch, and that's all. We take care of the labor and return shipping to you, if you are within the USA. International customers may have to pay shipping both ways, but the repair will be handled as disclosed above. No other warranties are either implied or expressed. Greer Amps reserves the right to void warranties if modifications have been made to products, or if products are deemed to have been used improperly, or abused. These terms are subject to change, although they haven't in 16 years.
All Greer Amps amplifiers carry a 5 year warranty against workmanship, to the original owner. This warranty is not transferable, in any way. The customer is responsible for shipping charges, both to and from the customer, on amplifiers that are being sent to us for repair. Any repair that needs to be performed on the amplifier unit will be done. If components have failed, we charge the customer only for the cost of the component. We do not offer a warranty on tubes, transformers, or speakers, as we do not manufacture them. The warranty on those products will be handled by the manufacturers directly. If you have a failure with tubes, transformers, or speakers, we will do the best we can to get in touch with the manufacturer and find out what options exist. No other warranties are either implied or expressed. Greer Amps reserves the right to void warranties if modifications have been made to products, or products are deemed to have been used improperly, or abused. These terms are subject to change, although they haven't in 16 years.
***Improper use or abuse can and will include running amplifiers at the wrong impedance. If you have have an 8 ohm speaker cabinet, make sure to plug the amplifier into the 8 ohm speaker out. Also, some transformer companies will not provide warranties for transformers that have been run on attenuators--use these products at your own risk. We do not control the transformer companies' warranties.